
August 2, 2024

Building a Hurricane Emergency Kit: Essentials for Safety and Survival

A well-prepared emergency kit can be a lifesaver during a hurricane. At Providence Mutual, we want to ensure you have everything you need to stay safe. Here’s a comprehensive guide to building an emergency kit that will help you through the storm.

Essential Supplies

Water and food are fundamental components of any emergency kit. Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days. Include non-perishable food items such as canned goods, protein bars, and dried fruits. Medications and first aid supplies are also critical. Keep a seven-day supply of essential medications and include a basic first aid kit with bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and any prescription medications.

In addition to these, ensure you have tools and supplies like flashlights with extra batteries, a NOAA weather radio with a hand crank, a multi-purpose tool, can opener, and basic tools for minor repairs. Personal hygiene items such as hand sanitizer, moist towelettes, and personal hygiene products are essential, as are garbage bags and plastic ties for sanitation. Keep copies of personal documents like passports, insurance policies, medical records, and bank account information in a waterproof container.

Comfort and Safety Items

Clothing and bedding are necessary for comfort and safety. Pack extra clothing, sturdy shoes, and rain gear. Ensure you have blankets or sleeping bags for each family member. Personal comfort items, such as books, games, and activities to keep children occupied, are also important. Don’t forget personal items like glasses, contact lenses, and hearing aids. If you have pets, include food, water, and medications for them, along with a leash, collar, and a pet carrier for easy transport.

Vehicle Emergency Kit

Your vehicle should also be prepared for emergencies. Maintain a full gas tank and store an emergency kit in your vehicle with jumper cables, flares, and basic tools. Include maps, a travel charger for your phone, and an emergency blanket. Keep a supply of non-perishable snacks and bottled water in your car as well.

Final Tips

Regularly updating your emergency kit is crucial. Check your kit periodically and replace any expired items. Update the kit as your family’s needs change. Conduct regular drills with your family to ensure everyone knows how to use the emergency kit and where to find it. 


By assembling a comprehensive emergency kit, you’ll be better prepared to handle the challenges of a hurricane. For more tips and information, visit our website or contact Providence Mutual.
